Flagler County Youth Mentoring & Support Programs
Youth Mentoring Opportunities
A Wish Incorporated
- Provide youth programs and opportunities, including Accent on Youth and Men of Tomorrow
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Northeast Florida
C.A.T.A.L.Y.S.T. Global Youth Initiatives
Everybody is Somebody
Man Up Mentoring
Mission Be: Great Youth Program
Mr. and Ms. Mentoring
No Longer Fatherless
Sisters Build Network for Girls, Inc.
Strength to Elevate
Take Stock in Children
- (386) 255-6475 x50730, futuresfoundation@volusia.k12.fl.us
- Mentoring program for at-risk, low-income students grades 9-12 (recruitment begins in 8th grade) in Volusia County Schools
Volusia County Schools Mentoring
- Become a Youth Motivator, a special type of school volunteer, in Volusia County Schools
Youth Programs & Support Services
Boys & Girls Clubs of Volusia/Flagler Counties
- (386) 734-0555, info@bgcvfc.org
- Provide clubs and programming to reach youth, providing a safe and enriching experience
Community Partnership for Children Mentoring
- (386) 238-4900
- Assigned by Community Partnership for Children for youth aging out of foster care
Florida Department of Juvenile Justice Youth & Families
- Circuit 7 Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ), (386) 254-1513
PACE Center for Girls Volusia-Flagler
- (386) 944-1111
- Provides girls and young women opportunities through education, counseling, training, and advocacy
Police Athletic Leagues, Florida Police Athletic/Activities Leagues
Seventh Judicial Circuit of Florida Teen Court
- East Volusia County, (386) 239-7812
- West Volusia County, (386) 822-5703
- Teen Court is a judicial diversion program that uses positive peer influence and appropriate sanctions for youth who are involved in the justice system, using a court-like structure staffed with youth volunteers
SMA Beach House
- (800) 539-4228
- Short-term respite care for youth ages 10-17 who are truant, ungovernable, runaway, and/or homeless
SMA Residential Adolescent Program (RAP)
- (800) 539-4228
- Substance use treatment program serving youth ages 13-17
The Chiles Academy
- (386) 322-6102
- Public charter school for teen parents and their children
Volusia Sheriff’s Office Family Resource Center
- 386-254-1512, family@volusiasheriff.gov
- The Volusia Family Resource Center is a full-scale assessment center that offers services to juveniles and their families through prevention, intervention, and diversion away from the juvenile justice system
Resources for Mentors
Flagler Cares does not endorse these organizations and instead shares the information and content as educational tools for our community members.